Everyone one who plays league of legends has probably heard of the term "Elo hell" where your MMR goes to die. If you have not heard of the term it is basically the idea that you are better than your team mates, but because your team is so bad you cannot climb the ladder. This strict definition of elo hell is false. The enemy is in the same elo as you and therefore is likely just as bad as you and your team. A lot of people searching how to get out of elo hell, including myself have probably read or watched a very similar sentence to the one I just wrote, and you've read it for a good reason, that reason is it's true.
You might be asking "But why are you saying all of this if your title says YOU are in elo hell". Well you see, elo hell does exist, but not because of your team, elo hell exists because of you, it exists because you have the mindset that your team is what is holding you down, and not the mindset of improving yourself. I have this exact issue and this is where I become relevant.
Nice to meet you my name is Jaden/ReportFaker/EGW333 I am a Bronze IV player in my promos right now with one game lost. I have decided to make this blog to share my ranked journey in hopes that documentation of everything will make me improve, and in turn help me climb to "Elo Heaven". I will be making a blog for every ranked game I play, and will link to my OP.GG page every blog so that you can look at the replay if you wish. Feel free to comment below with tips to improve, and maybe a compliment or two to stroke my precious ego.
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